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2018 - 06 - 29
Cell杂志发文称,科学家已发现3个几乎相同的基因可以帮助解释人类早期祖先的0.5升灰质是如何成为1.4升器官的,这一进化使得人类这一物种是如此成功和独特。另外,新发现的基因帮助解释了大脑发育有时是如何出错并导致神经系统紊乱的。DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2018.03.051这一新发现的明星家族——NOTCH2NL,在大脑皮质发育过程中表达,负责促进神经祖细胞更新,从而产生更多的神经元。NOTCH2NL本身是NOTCH基因家族的一个分支,后者负责调控所有生物(从过引导鲸鱼)的发育时间。但是,5月31日发表在Cell上的两项研究显示,在最近的进化史中,发生了一系列“基因事故”,在人类身上产生了4个非常密切相关的NOTCH2NL基因。“这些基因是一个古老的发育基因的后代,在进化过程中不断复制和改变,从而加入与人脑扩大有关的DNA名单中。”耶鲁大学进化基因组学家James Noonan说,“它们会增加脑组织中潜在神经细胞的数量这些新蛋白质可能会以非常强大的方式改变脑部发育中的重要途径。”论文一:人类独有的NOTCH2NL在猿的祖先中,NOTCH2的复制产生了一个非功能性的NOTCH2NL (gray)。修复和后来的基因复制产生了多个拷贝。(GRAPHIC) V. ALTOUNIAN/SCIENCE; (DATA) FIDDES ET AL.,...
2019 - 04 - 20
新华社武汉 4 月 19 日电(记者谭元斌)我国科研人员的一项最新研究表明,人神经前体细胞可以利用 RNA 干扰抗病毒免疫抵抗寨卡病毒感染。这一研究首次发现 RNA 干扰抗病毒免疫机制在人类神经发育过程中的关键作用,相关研究成果近期以封面文章的形式发表在国际知名期刊《细胞研究》上。在这项研究中,中国科学院武汉病毒研究所、军事科学院军事医学研究院、中国科学院动物研究所科研人员组成的联合研究团队,从寨卡病毒对人神经前体细胞独特的感染嗜性入手,首次在病毒自然感染的条件下证明了 RNA 干扰抗病毒免疫在人类细胞中的重要抗病毒作用。专家认为,人神经前体细胞中 RNA 干扰抗病毒通路的存在,为相应抗病毒药物的研发提供了新的靶标。他们发现,临床上广泛使用的 “老药” 依诺沙星能增强人神经前体细胞内 RNA 干扰的活性,在人神经前体细胞及由此分化产生的类脑器官中显示出非常高效的抗病毒作用,阻断了寨卡病毒感染所致的小头畸形表型。在同期的《细胞研究》上,刊登了世界著名病毒学家史佩勇教授对这项研究成果的评述文章。他在文章中评价这是 RNA 干扰研究的一项十分重要的进展。据中国科学院武汉病毒研究所专家介绍,RNA 干扰是生物体内普遍存在的一种古老的生物学现象,对控制生物体内基因表达起关键作用。而其作为人类中的一种重要抗病毒免疫机制,则是近年来由我国及欧美科学家的一系列研究共同发现。同时,RNA 干扰作为一...
2019 - 08 - 30
最近,《自然》杂志报道了不少关于癌症的研究。上周,学术经纬团队分享了一则癌症研究的重要突破——通过荧光标记,科学家们能够看清癌细胞如何“腐蚀”周边的健康细胞,发生转移。今天,我们又读到了一篇关于癌症转移的最新论文,它深刻揭示了癌症转移的复杂性,并提醒我们,在攻克癌症的道路上,我们还有很长的路要走……先来聊聊癌症。我们知道,癌症的发展就好像是一个熊孩子长大一样,会分成不同的阶段。在早期,癌细胞会疯狂生长,侵入和传播(invasion and dissemination)到组织内,在身体里形成肿瘤。到了晚期,癌细胞则会发生转移(metastasis),跑到身体的其他器官里落地生根,形成新的病灶。现在的医学知识告诉我们,一旦癌症发生了转移,患者的生命就岌岌可危。可是,癌细胞在一个地方长得好好的,它为啥会发生转移呢?过去的很多科学家相信,这与一种叫做E-cadherin(E-钙粘蛋白)的蛋白质有关。从功能上看,它负责把不同的细胞“粘”在一起。如果癌细胞能够减少这种钙粘蛋白的表达,就会变得更有“活动性”,也更容易发生转移。不过,科学家们也观察到了一些例外——在一种叫做“乳腺导管癌”的癌症中,发生转移的癌细胞,里头的E-钙粘蛋白含量可不少。这是为啥呢?有科学家解释说,这是因为癌细胞慢慢地又把自己“粘”回到了一起。这听起来是个合理的解释,但没有让所有人感到信服。为了寻找其他原因,来自美国知名的约...

EVOS™ 50X Oil Objective, achromat, coverslip-corrected

上市日期: 2019-04-15
产品类别: EVOS


For Use With (Equipment):EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System, EVOS® FL Color Imaging System, EVOS® FL Imaging System
Lens Type:Plan Achromat
Product Line:EVOS®
Product Size:1 each
Quantity:1 each
Type:Objective Lens

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This achromat objective is ideal for general applications. This is a coverslip-corrected objective that is optimized for imaging through #1.5 coverslips. All EVOS® objectives offer outstanding optical performance from visible light to near infrared light. The extensive choice of objectives satisfies needs across the spectrum of magnifications and optical specifications.

Additional characteristics of this EVOS® objective:

• Magnification: 50X
• Numerical Aperture: 0.95
• Working Distance: 0.19
• Immersion: Oil

Image Quality
Microscope objectives may be the most important components of an optical microscope because they are responsible for primary image formation. Image quality is crucial to experimental success and a requirement for publication; EVOS® objectives afford that quality across the visible spectrum to near infrared light. This performance results from years of lens manufacture perfection. EVOS® objectives have the same or better numerical apertures as any other manufacturer's in the same class, and the broad selection means you have choices for your imaging requirements.

Objective Classes

Achromat objectives are perfect for general applications, with standard correction of color and focus.

Fluorite objectives deliver excellent resolution and are made with higher numerical apertures than achromat objectives, resulting in brighter fluorescence signal and higher contrast imaging. The higher optical quality greatly reduces optical aberrations, and corrections for color and focus are at higher levels than achromat objectives. Fluorite objectives are ideally suited for fluorescence and demanding transmitted light applications, where the higher contrast make them ideally suited for color imaging.

Apochromat objectives are manufactured to the highest levels of resolution, fluorescence brightness, and contrast; chromatic aberrations are almost eliminated. They are recommended for the most demanding applications, particularly at magnifications of 60x and above. Apochromatic objectives are the best choice for the capture of color images in white light.

Brightfield Contrast versus Phase Contrast Objectives
Brightfield is the most basic form of light microscopy and is accomplished by sample absorption of light. A higher density area in a sample will absorb more light, thus increasing contrast in those areas.

Phase contrast objectives are most useful for hard to see, translucent specimens. This method of contrast is accomplished by converting phase shifts, caused by light passing through a translucent specimen, into brightness changes (i.e., contrast).

Long Working Distance versus Coverslip-Corrected Objectives
Long working distance (LWD) objectives are optimized for use through vessels with a nominal wall thickness of 0.9-1.5 mm. This includes vessels commonly used in cell culture and cell-based assays, such as slides, cell culture dishes and flasks, microtiter well plates, etc. Coverslip-corrected objectives are optimized for use through #1.5 coverslips (thickness approximately 0.17 mm). These objectives have a higher magnification/NA ratio and provide higher resolution compared to LWD objectives.


For Use With (Equipment):EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System, EVOS® FL Color Imaging System, EVOS® FL Imaging System
Lens Type:Plan Achromat
Product Line:EVOS®
Product Size:1 each
Quantity:1 each
Type:Objective Lens


For Use With (Equipment):EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System, EVOS® FL Color Imaging System, EVOS® FL Imaging System
Lens Type:Plan Achromat
Product Line:EVOS®
Product Size:1 each
Quantity:1 each
Type:Objective Lens

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