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2019 - 01 - 07
2019年1月7日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --诱发癌症有很多遗传原因,比如有些突变会遗传自父母,而其它则是后天获得性的突变,比如因外界因素或DNA复制的错误导致等,大规模的基因组测序在识别因体细胞突变所诱发的癌症上取得了一系列研究成果,但这种技术却无法有效识别因遗传性突变所诱发的癌症,而且识别这些遗传突变的主要来源仍然是基于家族性的研究。图片来源:iran-daily.com近日,一项刊登在国际杂志Nature Communications上的研究报告中,来自巴塞罗那基因组研究中心的科学家们通过研究开发了一种新型的统计学方法,其能够从肿瘤测序数据中鉴别出癌症易感性基因;该方法使用了一种古老的想法,即癌基因通常需要“两次击打”(two hits)才能够致癌,研究者表示,这种方法能帮助他们从当前癌症基因组数据库中系统性地鉴别出相关的基因。研究者将这种统计学方法命名为“ALFRED”,目前该技术已经鉴别出了13个候选的癌症易感性基因,其中10个基因都是此前并未发现的;Ben Lehner博士说道,我们对30种不同类型的肿瘤患者进行研究,将这种方法应用于1万多名患者的基因组序列中,最终鉴别出了已知的和一些新型的可能性癌症易感基因,这些基因有可能会诱发一定的患癌风险。研究者指出,新型的癌症易感基因或许在多种类型癌症的发生上扮演着关键角色,比如,其与14%的卵巢肿瘤、1%的乳腺癌等癌症直接...
2019 - 05 - 27
2019 - 11 - 08
“5年后的今天,他们中将只剩下3名幸存者。”在谈到不久前刚刚接触过的100名胶质母细胞瘤(GBM)新患者时,Howard Fine博士语气很低沉,也透着几许无奈。作为威尔康奈尔医学院(Weill Cornell Medicine)的一名肿瘤学家,从医30年来,Howard Fine博士曾治疗过不下两万名GBM患者,不过,最终的结果却很扎心——“你现在很难再看到这些人了,因为他们基本上都死了。”Howard Fine博士所经历的,正是GBM在现实生活中的真实写照。神经胶质瘤是最常见的恶性原发性脑瘤,占所有原发性脑瘤的近四分之一,占所有恶性肿瘤的四分之三;而GBM又是最常见、最具侵袭性的胶质瘤类型,占所有胶质瘤的一半以上,仅在美国,每年就有约1.2万个新发病例。GBM是一个“致命杀手”,一旦被确诊,留给患者的时间平均只剩下15个月左右。GBM如此冷酷无情,自然惹得天怒人怨、人人喊打,不过,一个非常尴尬的事实却是:在与它的交锋中,医学界推出的各种手段胜绩寥寥,一种 “有心杀贼,无力回天”的感觉油然而生。面对GBM的嚣张气焰,专注于开发创新癌症疗法的DelMar Pharmaceuticals公司“明知山有虎,偏向虎山行”,开发出了一种对抗GBM的有力武器——VAL-083。接下来,DelMar Pharmaceuticals总裁兼首席执行官Saiid Zarrabian先生将为我们讲述V...

Dynabeads™ CD45

上市日期: 2019-04-17


Capacity:Processes ~5x10^8 cells total
Cell Type:Leukocytes, Tumor Cells
Isolation Method:Depletion, positive isolation for molecular applications
Output Viability:>95%
Product Line:DYNAL®, Dynabeads®
Product Size:5 mL
Sample Type (Specific):Blood, PBMC
Starting Material (Cell #):1x10^7 PBMCs per isolation
Target Species:Human
Shipping Condition:Room Temperature

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Dynabeads® CD45 are superparamagnetic beads covalently coupled to anti-human CD45 antibody that enable isolation or depletion of CD45+ leucocytes directly from whole blood, buffy coat, or MNC suspensions. Dynabeads® CD45 can also be used to enrich epithelial tumor cells. The CD45 antigen is weakly expressed on myeloid cells. To efficiently deplete or isolate all leucocytes including myeloid cells, use Dynabeads® CD15 (Cat. No. 11137D) in combination with Dynabeads® CD45. Advantages of Dynabeads® CD45:

• Efficient depletion of human leucocytes
• Isolation of leucocytes directly from whole blood for molecular applications
• Enrichment of circulating epithelial tumor cells

About Dynabeads® CD45
Dynabeads® CD45 are uniform, superparamagnetic beads (4.5 µm diameter) coated with a primary monoclonal mouse IgG2a antibody specific for a CD45 membrane antigen common to all known isoforms of CD45. CD45 is expressed on all human leucocytes. Because of the bead size, Dynabeads® CD45 can easily and efficiently isolate or deplete cells from viscous samples such as whole blood and bone marrow in about 30 minutes. Dynabeads® CD45 is often used for enrichment of circulating non-hematopoietic tumor cells, by depletion of all CD45+ leucecytes from a MNC sample. Positively isolated cells can be used for downstream molecular studies; for example, those in which cells are to be lysed while still attached to beads, and nucleic acids or proteins further purified. Note that intact cells will not be released from these beads, and we do not recommend to analyze the bead-bound cells with a flow cytometer.

Magnetic bead–based separation offers easy handling
Dynabeads® CD45 is added to the sample under continuous mixing to optimize the binding of the Dynabeads® to the target cells. By placing the sample on a magnet it separates the bead-bound target cells from the rest of the sample in just 1–2 minutes. For depletion, remove the supernatant to a new tube for further studies and discard the bead-bound cells. For positive isolation for molecular studies, remove the supernatant and wash the bead-bound cells 2–3 times in buffer to get optimal purity. The cells can be lysed while still attached to the beads and the supernatant transferred to a new tube for downstream molecular analysis. Starting samples can be whole blood, buffy coat, bone marrow, PBMC, or tissue digests.


Capacity:Processes ~5x10^8 cells total
Cell Type:Leukocytes, Tumor Cells
Isolation Method:Depletion, positive isolation for molecular applications
Output Viability:>95%
Product Line:DYNAL®, Dynabeads®
Product Size:5 mL
Sample Type (Specific):Blood, PBMC
Starting Material (Cell #):1x10^7 PBMCs per isolation
Target Species:Human
Shipping Condition:Room Temperature


Capacity:Processes ~5x10^8 cells total
Cell Type:Leukocytes, Tumor Cells
Isolation Method:Depletion, positive isolation for molecular applications
Output Viability:>95%
Product Line:DYNAL®, Dynabeads®
Product Size:5 mL
Sample Type (Specific):Blood, PBMC
Starting Material (Cell #):1x10^7 PBMCs per isolation
Target Species:Human
Shipping Condition:Room Temperature

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