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2018 - 05 - 18
5月18日消息,哈佛大学的创业者Rejuvenate Bio已经开始测试为犬类延长寿命的方法,如果这项技术获得成功,那么将在人类身上进行试验。公司的合创者,63岁的George Church称,如果在查理士王小猎犬身上进行的医学测试成果的话,他将在自己身上进行测试。       查理士王小猎犬通常有一种心脏上的小疾病,导致半数物种在10岁左右时会因病死去。研究人员的研究已经表明,改变单一生物体的基因能够使其寿命加倍,并且在苍蝇身上取得了成功。这项研究的目的是观察在保持物种年轻身体状态的同时延长物种寿命会带来什么样的结果。Church教授被视作 “基因编辑”领域的一位先驱者,而且也正致力于借助史前DNA复活猛犸象的研究。他的返老还童实验室将发表一份关于这项技术的报告,研究人员将对老龄化疾病(比如说心脏病和糖尿病等)相关的两种基因进行修改,从而延长啮齿动物的寿命。麻省理工学院《技术评论》去年6月获得的一份文件表明,该创业公司在塔夫茨陆军兽医学院对4只米格鲁猎犬进行了测试。虽然文件中关于这次医学实验的过程透漏的很少,但是麻省理工学院的《技术评论》杂志推测,这一过程可能需要抑制一种充当“总开关”的蛋白质。Church教授称:“我们已经在老鼠身上进行了一系列的实验,而且我们正在犬类身上进行一些实验,随后我们将在人类身上进行这项技术的实验。犬类不仅仅是接...
2019 - 03 - 15
基因组的遗传信息得以表达,首先需要 RNA polymerase (RNAP) 以 DNA 为模板合成 RNA。基因转录不仅是基因表达第一步,还是基因表达的主要调控步骤。对 RNAP 分子机器结构、运行机理以及调控机制的研究能够回答基因表达调控的基础生物学问题。在转录起始阶段,细菌的 RNAP 与转录起始σ因子形成复合物,依次执行启动子双链 DNA 的识别、解链以及 RNA 起始合成等关键步骤。细菌 RNAP 通过与多个σ因子结合特异性调控基因转录,其中 Extra-Cytoplasmic Function(ECF)σ因子是细菌中种类最多的一类σ因子,它可以感受细菌胞内外环境变化,起始特异性的基因转录。ECF σ因子赋予细菌适应逆境的能力,对于致病菌的致病性和耐药性尤为重要。以结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)为例,其 RNAP 分别与 10 种 ECF σ因子结合,通过识别特异启动子序列启动相应基因表达,多个 ECF σ因子与结核分枝杆菌的致病、侵染以及耐药直接相关。3 月 11 日,国际学术期刊《自然 - 通讯》(Nature communications)在线发表了中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心 / 植物生理生态研究所 / 中科院合成生物学重点实验室张余研究组题为 Structure basis for transcription ini...
2019 - 07 - 19
近日,来自 9 个国家的 33 名微生物学家在《自然综述:微生物学》上发文表示,应该进一步将微生物融入主流气候变化研究和气候变化框架中,以应对人为造成的气候变化问题。他们警告说,“提醒人类注意,气候变化的影响将严重依赖微生物的反应,它们对于实现一个环境可持续发展的未来至关重要”。已知人类活动及其对气候和环境的影响关系到动植物灭绝和生物多样性损失,并且危及地球上的动植物生命。微生物也会对温室气体排放产生重要影响。尽管微生物丰富多样,但它们维护生态系统健康的作用,以及如何影响气候变化或被气候变化影响,却鲜为人知。澳大利亚新南威尔士大学的 Ricardo Cavicchioli 等人认为,微生物在气候变化生物学中扮演的核心角色及其全局重要性不应被低估,他们并且呼吁研究人员、机构和政府对微生物加剧或缓解人为气候变化影响的作用进行评估。研究人员在文中探讨了气候变化对微生物作用以及全球海陆生物群落的影响。他们还指出,从农业和传染病的角度出发,需要更深入地理解气候变化对微生物的影响,比如气候变化预计将提高部分人类病原体的抗生素耐药性。相关论文信息:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41579-019-0222-5
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述This achromat objective is ideal for general applications. This is a coverslip-corrected objective that is optimized for imaging through #1.5 coverslips. All EVOS® objectives offer outstanding optical performance from visible light to near infrared light. The extensive choice of objectives satisfies needs across the spectrum of magnifications and optical specifications.Additional characteristics of this EVOS® objective:• Magnification: 50X• Numerical Aperture: 0.95• Working Distance:...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述The EVOS M7000 Imaging System is a high-performance, fully automated, inverted, multi-channel fluorescence and transmitted light imaging system. It was developed to meet today’s expectations for image quality, user interface interactions, data generation speed and flexibility, and end-user value. The powerful and time-saving acquisition tools with enhanced autofocus algorithms and automated routines for microwell plate assays, time-lapse live cell imaging, area scanning in time lapse and Z-sta...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述The EVOS® FL Imaging System is a fully integrated, digital, inverted imaging system for four-color fluorescence and transmitted-light applications. It is powerful, yet easy-to-use and delivers high-definition images with exceptional convenience. The unique light cubes, sensitive camera, and precision-engineered optical system make the EVOS® FL system ideal for both demanding and routine fluorescence imaging applications.The EVOS® FL Imaging System offers you these important ad...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述The EVOS® Onstage Master Plate is part of the EVOS® Onstage Incubator and holds the EVOS® Onstage Vessel Holder. The EVOS® Onstage Incubator is an environmental chamber designed specifically for use with the EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System. This master plate plus vessel holder design, with vessel holders available that accommodate various types of cell culture vessels, provides flexibility in your approach to extended time-lapse imaging experiments under precisely co...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® Onstage vessel holders maximize your choice of cell culture vessels when conducting time-lapse imaging experiments using the EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System equipped with an EVOS® Onstage Incubator. EVOS® Onstage vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your micro-well plates or cell culture flasks/dishes to the master plate of the EVOS® Onstage Incubator for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates two 25-mL T-flasks. With ...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® Onstage vessel holders maximize your choice of cell culture vessels when conducting time-lapse imaging experiments using the EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System equipped with an EVOS® Onstage Incubator. EVOS® Onstage vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your micro-well plates or cell culture flasks/dishes to the master plate of the EVOS® Onstage Incubator for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates multi-well plates (dimensi...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder securely holds two 25 x 75 mm standard or chamber microscope slides and is specific for the automated stage of the EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument plat...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates one Greiner/BD T-25 flask. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samples in a range of ...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder has a 25.4 mm opening and accommodates most vessel types. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samp...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates one Greiner T-75 flask. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samples in a range of ves...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates a hemocytometer. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samples in a range of vessel hol...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates one Nunc® T-75 flask. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samples in a range of ...
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