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2019 - 08 - 09
今日,美国FDA批准罗氏(Roche)公司开发的NTRK,ROS1和ALK抑制剂Rozlytrek(entrectinib)上市,治疗携带NTRK基因融合的实体瘤患者,以及携带ROS1基因突变的非小细胞肺癌患者。这也是美国FDA批准的第三款“不限癌种”的抗癌疗法。自从去年Loxo Oncology/拜耳(Bayer)公司联合开发的TRK抑制剂Vitrakvi(larotrectinib)获批以来。“不限癌种”抗癌疗法得到了广大业界人士和患者的关注。还有哪些“不限癌种“疗法即将问世?“不限癌种“的抗癌疗法发展的前景如何?今天的这篇文章里,药明康德内容团队将结合公开资料,与读者分享这些问题的答案。“不限癌种“疗法的理论基础和面对的挑战我们知道,基因突变是驱动正常细胞癌变的关键。近年来高通量测序技术的进步,让我们获得了许多对癌症背后的分子生物学机理的洞见。基于这些洞见,我们对癌症的分类不再局限于癌症起源的组织,而是基于肿瘤细胞携带的特定基因变异。这一基于分子生物学生物标志物的分类方法加快了靶向疗法的开发,而“不限癌种“的抗癌疗法可以说是靶向疗法中比较特别的一个分支。这些靶向疗法的靶点在起源于不同组织的多种癌症中存在,而且”不限癌种“疗法能够在多种癌症类型中表现出卓越的疗效。例如去年获批的Vitrakvi在携带NTRK基因融合的患者中能够达到81%的总缓解率。而刚刚获得FDA批准的Rozl...
2021 - 01 - 27
2021年3月30日讯/生物谷BIOON/---神经干细胞(neural stem cell)是指存在于神经系统中,具有分化为神经神经元、星形胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞的潜能,从而能够产生大量脑细胞组织,并能进行自我更新,并足以提供大量脑组织细胞的细胞群。需要注意的是,在脑脊髓等所有神经组织中,不同的神经干细胞类型产生的子代细胞种类不同,分布也不同。 神经干细胞的治疗机理是:(i)患病部位组织损伤后释放各种趋化因子,可以吸引神经干细胞聚集到损伤部位,并在局部微环境的作用下分化为不同种类的细胞,修复及补充损伤的神经细胞。由于缺血、缺氧导致的血管内皮细胞、胶质细胞的损伤,使局部通透性增加,另外在多种黏附分子的作用下,神经干细胞可以透过血脑屏障,高浓度的聚集在损伤部位;(ii)神经干细胞可以分泌多种神经营养因子,促进损伤细胞的修复;(iii)神经干细胞可以增强神经突触之间的联系,建立新的神经环路。神经干细胞应用中存在的问题:建立的神经干细胞系绝大多数来源于鼠,而鼠与人之间存在着明显的种属差异;神经干细胞的来源不足;部分移植的神经干细胞发展成脑瘤;神经干细胞转染范围的非选择性表达及转染基因表达的原位调节等等。基于此,小编针对近年来神经干细胞研究取得的进展进行一番盘点,以飨读者。1.Cell Stem Cell:上调核纤层蛋白B1表达让衰老的神经干细胞返老还童doi:10.1016/j.stem...
2018 - 06 - 22
对创伤经历的回忆会导致精神健康问题,如创伤后应激障碍(PTSD),这会破坏一个人的生活。据估计,当前将近三分之一的人会在他们生命中的某个时刻遭受恐惧或应激相关的障碍。如今,一项新的研究在细胞水平展示了一种疗法如何能够治疗长期的创伤记忆。相关研究结果发表在2018年6月15日的Science期刊上,论文标题为“Reactivation of recall-induced neurons contributes to remote fear memory attenuation”。论文通信作者、瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL)教授Johannes Gräff说,“我们的研究结果首次揭示了让成功治疗创伤记忆变得可能的过程。” 在治疗创伤记忆领域,对恐惧衰减(fear attenuation)是否涉及通过新的安全记忆痕迹(memory trace of safety)或将原始的恐惧记忆痕迹(memory trace of fear)重写为安全记忆痕迹来抑制原始的恐惧记忆痕迹,人们长期以来争论不止。图片来自EPFL / Gräff Group。这种争论的一部分与我们总体上还不能完全理解神经元如何存储记忆的事实相关。虽然这项研究取得的新发现不能排除这种抑制机制,但是它们首次证实了重写创伤记忆在治疗创伤记忆中的重要性。这个领域的研究重点在于理解大脑减少创伤记忆的能力...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder has a 25.4 mm opening and accommodates most vessel types. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samp...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates one Greiner T-75 flask. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samples in a range of ves...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates a hemocytometer. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samples in a range of vessel hol...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates one Nunc® T-75 flask. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samples in a range of ...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates two 25 cm T-flasks. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samples in a range of vessel ...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates one 100 mm Petri dish. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samples in a range of vess...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates two 60 mm Petri dishes. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samples in a range of ves...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 12
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates four 35 mm Petri dishes. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samples in a range of ve...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 12
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates two 25 x 75 mm slides. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samples in a range of vess...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 12
描述This fluorite objective is ideal for fluorescence and demanding transmitted-light applications. This is a long working distance (LWD) objective that is optimized for the imaging of slides, cell culture dishes and flasks, and microtiter plates. This is also a phase-contrast objective, making it useful for hard-to-see, translucent speciments. All EVOS® objectives offer outstanding optical performance from visible light to near infrared light. The extensive choice of objectives satisfies nee...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 12
描述All EVOS® fluorescence imaging systems and the Countess® II FL Automated Cell Counter contain our unique, proprietary LED light cubes. This world-leading light engine outputs remarkable intensity over a short light path that delivers superior fluorophore excitation. Each cube contains an LED, condensing optics, and hard-coated filters. EVOS® light cubes are user-changeable and automatically recognized by the system. The Cy®5 light cube is ideal for use with Alexa Fluor&...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 12
描述All EVOS® fluorescence imaging systems and the Countess® II FL Automated Cell Counter contain our unique, proprietary LED light cubes. This world-leading light engine outputs remarkable intensity over a short light path that delivers superior fluorophore excitation. Each cube contains an LED, condensing optics, and hard-coated filters. EVOS® light cubes are user-changeable and automatically recognized by the system. The RFP light cube is ideal for use with Alexa Fluor® ...
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